Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures Phase III–The Wedding Spectacular One-Shot (Cover B) (Priscilla Bampoh)

Original price was: $5.99.Current price is: $2.40.

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Save the date!Guests from across the galaxy are arriving onEriadu to witness Lula Talisola and Zeen Mrala, the young freedomfighters who are championing the resistance against the Nihil, joinhands in marriage. Friends and family from throughout the HighRepublic will be joining in the celebration of light, life, and love.You won’t want to miss it, so RSVP soon! Just know that the dress codecalls for ball gowns as well as blaster rifles because war couldbreak out at any moment! • Featuring a slate of all-star artists, including Harvey Tolibao, Cherriielle, 5healthMONO, Priscilla Bampoh, and more!• An iconic High Republic Adventures moment years in the making–you won’t want to miss it!


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