Combine two favorite classics for a unique gameplay experience! Using the best elements of Monopoly and the crossword-building play of Scrabble. Instead of rolling dice to move around the board, players build words and move ahead by their score. Build a word on a premium space and claim a Monopoly property. To win-be the player with the most cash and property value when the last tile is played. Contents include: 1 Quad-Fold Gameboard, 5 Wooden Scrabble Tile Racks, 1 Bag of 100 Wooden Scrabble Letter Tiles, Tile Storage Bag, 9 Silver-Toned Monopoly Tokens, Deck of 24 Community Chest Cards, Deck of 24 Chance Cards, 10 Title Deed Cards, Monopoly Money Pad (Sixty $100 bills and Sixty $500 bills), Illustrated Rules. 2 to 4 players. Recommended for ages 8 years and older.
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