- BUGOW! THAT’S WHAT HAPPENED: Wallace is lonely and needs some special attention. Offer some much-needed cuddles and comfort with this exclusive Wallace plush toy inspired by the hit animated series Bee and PuppyCat.
- TURN THAT FROWN UPSIDE DOWN: A sad-faced Wallace still misses his momma, but you can bring home this blue space fish and babysit him. He may appear withdrawn, but Wallace has a soft side just for you.
- COSMIC CUDDLES: This large Wallace plushie measures approximately 9 inches long, from fin to frown. While this sad space fish can be a monster at times, you’ll find this plush toy quite cute with its ultra-soft design.
- A TEMP-JOB YOU CAN RELY ON: Taking care of this customer might seem like a depressing gig, but rest assured that Wallace makes a wonderful cosmic companion as this snuggly character plushie. For the best care, surface clean only.
- OFFICIAL BEE AND PUPPYCAT COLLECTIBLE: Paying the rent is no fun, but Wallace is here to help keep you busy on your next temp-job. Enter a new dimension with this officially licensed Wallace plush toy from Bee and PuppyCat.
When the rent is due, find yourself an intergalactic temp-job with this exclusive Wallace collector’s plush from the animated series Bee and PuppyCat.
Who knew babysitting was such hard work? Poor lonely Wallace just misses his momma, but now you can keep each other company in every dimension. The sad space fish has a deep frown embroidered on his face, capturing the essence of the character in high detail. You’ll be swimming in cuddles with this cosmic companion, whose soft plush material is perfect for snuggling.
Seriously, his mom just left him, like, two minutes ago. It surely can’t be THAT hard to take care of Wallace.
Accept your next temp-job challenge with a little help from Wallace, who’s swimming from Fishbowl Space to your world as this adorable plush toy collectible. While he’s got a habit of exaggerating and tears up easily, you won’t have to worry about any monstrous behavior from this cuddly companion. This friendly rendition of Wallace is all plush material and gentle hugs.
Difficult times. Good times. Get ready to take on new exciting cosmic adventures, starting with babysitting this officially licensed collectible inspired by Bee and PuppyCat.
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