- BREAK AWAY FROM THE NORM: Dance to your own tune with this exclusive Wednesday throw blanket inspired by the popular Addams Family spinoff. A dreadfully delightful option for when you need to get some rest before your big solo.
- A TWISTED MELODY: Wednesday Addams expresses her inner maestro, playing the cello with a knife in this recreation of the iconic scene from the series. Black and purple stripes adorn the backdrop, complete with the Wednesday logo in the corner.
- ENJOY SOME CREEPY COMFORT: Stay comfortable in the dead of winter when you’ve got this soft fleece throw blanket wrapped around your shoulders. Just the thing for keeping warm on those spine-chilling nights when the wind is howling.
- QUALITY TO DIE FOR: Bring some dark comfort to your tomb with this oversized blanket made from 100% polyester fleece. The spacious size makes an excellent throw piece for couches, chairs, and beds at approximately 45 x 60 inches.
- OFFICIAL WEDNESDAY COLLECTIBLE: Misfits aren’t misfits among other misfits. Let your song be heard with this officially licensed throw blanket featuring the morbidly curious Wednesday from the cult hit Addams Family spinoff series.
Get wrapped up in your darkest thoughts with this exclusive Wednesday fleece throw blanket.
Are you in the mood for some Rolling Stones, or perhaps something more classical? Wednesday Addams sits down to practice playing her cello, butcher knife bow in hand. Her signature purple-and-black aesthetic is resurrected in this frightfully fun design, decorating the backdrop in a striped pattern. The familiar Wednesday logo appears in the bottom corner, putting a name to the silhouette.
Find comfort in the darkness with this large throw blanket crafted from soft fleece material. The dearly departed can rest in peace (or pieces) with this snuggly throw cover that keeps the bone-chilling cold at bay with its plush design. Drape it over the couch, chair, or bed of your final resting place for the night to ensure that your endless slumber isn’t disturbed.
This officially licensed home decor inspired by Wednesday is a killer way to express your dark obsession with the Addams Family.
- Machine wash with cold water is highly recommended
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